Candlefox achieves B Corp Certification, committing to sustainability, ethical practices, & social responsibility


What is B-Corp certification?

The education marketing brand Candlefox is pleased to announce that they are now fully certified as a “B-Corp”, committing the organisation to a higher standard of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. The certification has been granted by B Lab, a non-profit organisation that evaluates companies based on their impact on stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the environment.

The certification marks a commitment to be shared across the full Candlefox network – and Tafecourses in Australia, CoursesOnline in the UK, and Allcourses in the Republic of Ireland.

What does this mean for the business?

Candlefox’s COO, Sarah-Jane McQueen labelled the certification as “just the beginning of our promise for ongoing improvement and leadership in responsible business. We want to be proactive about taking action without the pressure of external regulations being forced on us, ambitious about the opportunities ahead of us, and to never lose track of what is the right thing to do for our wider society.”

In terms of aspirations, Candlefox has plenty of initiatives to put into practice. These include:

  • Reduce carbon emissions by 25%
  • Commit to purchasing 100% renewable energy
  • Achieve a 5% reduction in water usage
  • Achieve a 20% reduction of waste sent to landfill
  • Prioritise ethical marketing practices in all marketing and advertising activities.
  • Ensure data security breaches remain at 0 cases.

Naturally given the scale of what the objectives are to be put into practice, there’s a lot of transformation needed to make it a reality. Therefore in order to implement more sustainable policies across its operations, Candlefox will be undertaking a comprehensive review of its supply chain, identifying opportunities to source materials and products from environmentally responsible suppliers. Additionally, the company will be investing in employee training programs focused on sustainability awareness and best practices. Furthermore, they will be exploring partnerships with local communities and environmental organisations to support conservation efforts and promote sustainability initiatives. By integrating sustainability into its core business practices, Candlefox aims to not only reduce its environmental impact but also inspire positive change within the education sector and beyond.

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