Government Accreditation Awarded To Buckinghamshire Business



The 50plus, which specialises in a range of home and commercial repair and independence at home services, has been recognised as a Home Improvement Agency (HIA) by Foundations, the national body for disabled facilities grants and Home Improvement Agencies in England.


Foundations is contracted by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to support the delivery of disabled facilities grants. It oversees a national network of over 200 HIAs and handyperson providers across England.


For over 20 years, The 50plus has supported the provision of home improvements to individuals in need of repair, improvement and adaptation services, particularly for older people in the community.


Director Roger Runswick says: “We are thrilled that Foundations has recognised the work we do in supporting those that need a little more help with home improvement and handyman services. The HIA accreditation will allow customers to find us through the Foundations HIA listings, meaning more householders and supporting agencies will be able to benefit from The 50plus services.”

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